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Impending visit and BlogHer, yea or nay?

2010-06-10 - 11:31 a.m.

Work is pretty hopping, though I just finished a big file so whew for that, but it seems like this summer is definitely starting to heat up.

This weekend I�ve got my sister in-law coming with her husband and three kids. They�ll be here all weekend so we�re already in full-on clean-up and laundry mode. Plus planning the meals will be interesting, since between the kids there are allergies to:
- dairy
- soy
- eggs
- peanuts
- tree nuts

My sister in-law herself is allergic to:
- pets (only an issue if we end up going to my mom�s)
- feathers (a problem because most of our bedding is feather-filled)

As well, I�ve been trying to set up a non-coffee coffee get-together (it�d be after 9pm and neither of us would likely order anything with caffeine) with a new friend and this weekend was originally going to be a good time for it, plus there�s the possibility Friday of meeting up for dinner with an interesting acquaintance from out of town, and it�s not like she�s around here often so I�d hate to miss the opportunity.


I�m back-and-forthing on BlogHer. I have a ticket. I have a hotel reservation. I don�t have a plane ticket. Nor do I have the conviction that the kids (okay, Biscuit) can be left with the grandparents for 4 days/3 nights. Much as I love my mother, I have to admit she�s not exactly motherly. And it turns out that she�s not exactly grand-motherly either. Biscuit is at that stage where he requires near-constant vigilance lest he hurt himself or destroy property, or at least make a huge mess. And this is when he�s not trying to be picked up, which is rare. We, his parents, can find the demands of toddlerhood wearying, and that�s in our own house which is relatively kid-proof. Throw in a house full of ceramic items at floor- or knee-level, plus food and water dishes for the pets, and chicken poop in the yard, and sharp gardening implements in the porch (let�s not forget the cork board full of pushpins that�s temporarily-for-the-last-year been stored in an open basket on the floor beside the window to the porch) and you�ve got an all-day job on your hands with just him, forget about his sister who also likes attention.

The other thing is that my husband is bound-and-determined to come to New York with me. If I go to the BlogHer stuff I�ll feel like I�m missing out on all the New York activities I could be doing with him; if I do stuff with him, I�ll feel like I�m wasting my money on the BlogHer ticket. Not to mention, I planned the BlogHer thing when I was still home with the kids. Now that I�m working full-time and then some, I kind of don�t want to go on a 4-day holiday without seeing them.

I�ve considered: scrapping New York; going to New York but for only a couple of nights and selling my BlogHer ticket; going for a one- or two-night getaway with J somewhere completely different than New York (Halifax, Montreal, and St. John�s are in the running); taking another couple of days off and going somewhere with the kids as well as doing a night or two in New York without them; staying home but still taking a couple of days off work and having the kids stay with the grandparents for one night only; and a combination of the above.

Money�s not hugely tight but I don�t want to waste it either. The bigger question for me is how to best spend my time. And if I do something separate with the kids, what should it be? Biscuit likes the beach, but he�d probably like the local beach almost as much as the ocean at his age.

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