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The weighting game, part deux.

2008-04-28 - 2:17 p.m.

I am kind of absurdly proud that there was no change in my weight from 31 weeks to 33 weeks and, according to �official� record, I�d gained 24 lbs since the beginning of my pregnancy.

According to MDAdvice.com (the best week-by-week info I�ve found, but I like a lot of detail and am not that fond of superficial comparisons of the fetus to various foodstuffs (what is a �jicama� anyway?)), I should have gained 22 to 28 lbs at this point, so I�m not worried - nor is my doctor who merely asked if I�m �still eating� and when I responded in the affirmative she pronounced that �good enough for me�. My fundus measurement is still increasing, so that means that Biscuit is still growing, and that�s the main thing.

I don�t know why I�m proud though; if there�s one time I�m supposed to accept and expect weight gain, it�s during pregnancy. It seems kind of sick, actually, to be so influenced by society�s �thinner is better� idea that even in pregnancy I feel pride in proclaiming that I�m on the lower end of the recommended-weight-gain guidelines. Seriously, I mentally preen when people tell me how good I look, how I�m �glowing�, how I look like I feel good, how I�m smaller than I was last time (true, but this time I�m not (yet) dealing with pre-eclampsia (knock wood)), and how I�m �all belly� rather than gaining weight everywhere. It�s just not right. Nor is the defensiveness that I find manifests itself the few times people comment on how big I�m getting, or on how big I was last time (when I did retain a lot of water and swelled up like a balloon � look, I just defended myself again! You SEE?). And I certainly can�t claim I�m not eating what I want, when I want. The only thing I�m not doing is eating as much as I want, but I can�t exactly praise my restraint since the controlling factor there is how much room I have in my poor squished stomach, and what the tipping point is before I�m in major heartburn territory.

Speaking of heartburn, on my doctor�s advice I�m taking a dose of Eno before bedtime. It�s totally gross � like drinking fizzy salt water � and, because of its sodium content, I�m not convinced it�s the best solution if I do start to retain water. But at least I�m not waking up at 2 am with the sour taste of dinner in the back of my throat and searching for Tums to chew and extra pillows with which to prop myself up.

In other Belly-related news: I�ve finally taken a few pictures for posterity. Not one of them is the picture, but at least this poor pregnancy hasn�t gone entirely neglected in terms of photographic evidence. I have a couple of ideas for other pictures, so as long as I manage to remain stretchmark-free I still have a small window in which I can take them.

Before - After

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