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Yes, I am positive!

2007-09-06 - 2:01 p.m.

I took another pregnancy test last night. I bought it right before I started teaching my class at the gym (which is conveniently located in a large grocery store with a pharmacy section), and beetled into the washroom as soon as was seemly after the class was over. I didn�t have a watch, so I peed on the stick to 10-steamboat, just to be sure, and figured by the time the song on the sound system was over it would have been about 3 minutes. I didn�t have to wait that long. After about a minute�

Two lines, baybeh!

I feel, excited! And nervous as heck! And maybe even a little terrified at the thought of having two kids at the same time and dividing my attention between them. And thrilled at the thought of a new little squeaker clad in tiny fuzzy footsies. And worried about this one�s health until I can be reassured by the various tests like the nuchal fold ultrasound. And a teeny bit sorry to say goodbye to my recently-regained pre-pregnancy physique and weight level in the gym. And kind of absurdly proud, and like I�ve just re-gained admission to an exclusive club, particularly given the number of women who I read that are pregnant for the second or third time. And oddly not worried about whether more than one of those three follicles hit the jackpot. The fact that I ovulated so late (probably day 20 if I implanted on day 31) didn�t bode well for even one, much less two. Still, I supposed it�s a possibility. Lord knows my �instincts� have been completely wrong on this conception thing so far.

I have blood work scheduled for later today and will be booking an ultrasound for a couple of weeks from now to check, presumably, on that whole �how many� thing and maybe confirm my estimated ovulation/due dates.

Already I�ve been looking up dates and figuring out when we�d have a c-section if we don�t go for a VBAC (and people, I am VERY ambivalent about this: my first birth experience was so awful � 12 hours of back labour followed by a very scary period of time where Grom�s heart rate wasn�t recovering and, finally, an emergency c-section � that I can easily see the temptation to just schedule the darn thing and be done with it). No offence to the collective wisdom of the Internet, but, like Sundry (entry-specific link to come when I get home and can see the entry name which is firewalled out here), I�ll be swayed by doctor�s advice more than random-stranger advice. And even our midwife gently hinted that maybe there are some people who are just better off in obstetrical care, so we�re going with an OB this time. My initial reaction is to say yes to the VBAC concept but remain flexible and schedule the section if I start to swell up and go pre-eclamptic again. If we do schedule though, it�ll probably be on the 5th of May or so. You know what that means? Today is the 5th of September*. That means in eight months I�ll have another child, knock on wood. (No chickens being counted here Fate. Look the other way and don�t be tempted.)

Freaky! Here�s that scared/excited feeling welling up again!

So, who knows? J. And my boss, since he has to okay me going to all the appointments. And the Internet. So far, that�s it, so if you know me in �real� life don�t let the cat out of the bag to anyone else. This Thursday we�re telling the �rents.

I don�t think we�ll follow all the �rules� this time: I plan on living dangerously by eating vegetarian sushi and maybe even (gasp) California roll when I want to. I�m thinking the odd morsel of Brie won�t really hurt either. And I�m not going to wait until 3 months to tell people. From what I understand, you show so early after the first one that I couldn�t keep it a secret that long if I tried.

And so, a new adventure begins�

*Note: I wrote this on the 5th of September, but will only be posting it on the 6th, depending on when I can phone my friend Jo and let her know.

Before - After

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