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Baby�s First Meme

2006-09-08 - 3:43 p.m.

Grommet has been tagged with a meme! Ironic, isn�t it, that she�s been tagged before I�ve ever gotten tagged with one of those things? Nancy�s Alien has done the tagging. After reading the Alien�s I�m a bit daunted �cause how could I possibly be that funny? Grommet, on the other hand, was not fazed because she is hiLARious:

3 Things That Scare Me
� Being left alone. Even for a couple of minutes. If my mom wanted to go to the bathroom she should�ve thought of that before she had me, right?
� Having my face covered by my sleeper being pulled over my head. Especially at night when I�m trying to sleep. By all that is holy woman, if I�ve dozed off in just a diaper after bath time, let me freeze!
� Laughter. But only randomly since most of the time I�m okay with it, yet sometimes it freaks the bejeezus out of me. Yes, I know that this does not make me popular at funny movies but too bad.

3 People Who Make Me Laugh
� Mama
� Daddy (Yes, the Alien said the same thing, but really, who are funnier than Mama and Daddy?)
� Unky Bob, especially when he plays peekaboo.

3 Things I Love
� Anything electronic � I love the phone, Mama�s cell phone, the TV remote, and the camera, especially the camera! I cannot take my eyes off it once I�ve heard it�s merry little chirp!
� Doing something new for the first time and watching Mama wig out about it.
� Being �flown�, especially in front of a mirror.

3 Things I Hate
� Being put down in the stroller after being picked up out of it. No, I do not have to go in it to go home, what�s wrong with your arms Mama?
� Cold water, being lowered into (see: wading pools).
� Not being attended to the instant I call for someone.

3 Things I Don't Understand
� The word �no�. What is this no you speak of?
� Why I can�t have the things Mama and Daddy put in their mouths � which must be delicious - but am forced to eat horrible goo instead.
� The Pythagorean Theorem. (Just kidding on that last one. Me and Pythagoras? We are tight.)

3 Things on My Changing Table
� A changing pad.
� Wipes
� A rolled-up receiving blanket to cushion my noggin from the printer which is right beside the changing table.

3 Things I'm doing Right Now
� Squawking.
� Playing with Tigger.
� Smiling cutely at Mama in hopes that I can entice her to pick me up.

3 Things I Can Do
� Snag a drinking glass traveling over my head when I�m on someone�s lap.
� Get my butt a fraction of an inch into the air when I�m on my arms and tummy.
� Wrap my parents around my teeny weeny little finger.

3 Ways to Describe My Personality
� Good natured.
� Focused and intent on what I want.
� Curious.

3 Things I Can't Do (yet)
� Like the Alien� Crawl.
� Or Walk.
� Go to sleep when I�m alone.

3 Things I Think You Should Listen To
� My mama singing (I try to sing along).
� Me saying �pick me up, pick me up!� This can sound a lot like �ma ma ma ma ma� but does not mean Mama.
� My laugh, which it totally awesome.

3 Things I Think You Should Never Listen To
� The siren call of the computer.
� Random strangers who tell Mama what to feed me, how to raise me, etc.
� Unky Bob, silly man.

3 Absolute Favorite Foods
� Breast milk
� Water
� Anything you are eating that I�ve never tasted

3 Things I'd Like to Learn
� How to crawl and walk.
� How to get my hands on electronic stuff or more drinking glasses.
� How to Rule the World! (Scratch that, I already know how to rule the world).

3 Beverages I Drink Regularly
� Breast milk
� Water
� More breast milk (Really, what else do I need? Nothin� that�s what.)

3 Shows I Watched as a Kid (that would be NOW)
� Movies at the Stars and Strollers program.
� Grey�s Anatomy when it was on weekday mornings (until this week when it was replaced by something less worthy).
� That�s all.

4 3 Babies I will tag
Good gravy, as if I know 4 babies with blogs. I can maybe come up with 3:

Before - After

All content � Shawna 2003-2010
That means no swiping my stuff - text, images, etc. - without asking.

P.S. If you're emailing me, replace the [at] with @ in the "to" line. Oh, and if you put the word "journal" in the subject line it'll have a better chance of making it past my junk mail filters.

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