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Compartment 14B

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Oh the guilt! Let's hope I don't dream of 3-limbed babies.

2005-03-31 - 11:00 p.m.

Whoa. It�s been a long and eventful couple of days. However, that eventful-ness is work-related and I can�t give details. I will say that it�s just as valuable a learning experience to be around when things don�t go smoothly as it is when things go well. Maybe it�s even more valuable as you find out what you�re made of. We had a problem with a short-term employee who�s a tad too emotional, and being part of the process trying to first decide how to deal with it and then put that decision into action was quite a test. I think I passed but we�ll see over the next few days how things shake out.

I like this management stuff so far. Even the hard parts.

I had a migraine today and got to work late, yet still managed to be part of the events above, represent our team at a going-away party for a former employee, and deal with some mundane communication stuff before going home early and collapsing into a drooling heap in bed. I felt a lot better later though, and managed to scarf down the Happy Meal my darling husband brought home. I don�t know what it is about McDonald�s food but it�s often what I eat when I�m recovering from a migraine. I can�t drink the orange drink under these circumstances but a hamburger and fries hits the spot. Maybe it�s the combination of grease, salt and bland-but-somehow-yummy fries.

Now my sort-of confession. I started out managing to get by on my apple juice and ginger combo that I suckle on when I�m feeling ill, but I did cave to the major migraine meds later. It was a calculated risk � normally once we start trying for a cycle I don�t take the meds but I know a bit more about how my body works at this pint and I have always, always ovulated (when I�ve ovulated at all) later in my cycle than average, and I�m still in the early days of this one. I knew that this migraine was shaping up to be a bad one and I knew as well that the meds should be gone from my system in less than 24 hours so I took the chance and took them. If this had happened a week later I would have stuck it out with the pain and the vomiting, I swear. Even if my temperature drops tomorrow (signaling ovulation is impending), I think I�ll still be in the clear and have therefore made the right choice. It�s just so hard to describe how awful full-blown migraines are to someone who has never had one, but if you have, you know why I made the decision I did and you know what a sacrifice it is to not take them once there�s a chance that fertilization could have taken place.

Enough self-flagellation; I�m off to bed.

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