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The home stretch at work.

2006-01-03 - 1:21 p.m.

This may or may not be my last week of work.

My blood pressure seems to be healthily low again and haven�t gained any more since that jump in weight, but the midwives are not comfortable promising I�ll be working a lot longer. For one thing, in addition to the puffy, paddle-like feet I sometimes get by the end of the day, starting 4 nights ago my hands started swelling at night while I sleep, so I wake up to pee and I have trouble making fists because my fingers are achy and fat � even during the day the knuckles and joints are still sore. This is not making typing a dream. My face was definitely puffy yesterday (I looked like I had just gotten up all day, and felt all blinky and bleary as though I�d been crying) and I hate looking at my rounding chin in the mirror, even if I know it�s due to water retention. I�m now monitoring my urine for protein in the morning at home (this morning the reading was fine, if you�re curious), and, when they can procure one for me, will be getting a blood pressure cuff to monitor that too on a daily basis. The sentiment at the midwives� seems to be that I am on the cusp of a problem that they don�t want to develop, and they will send me off work if they think it necessary to stop that problem from developing.

It�s freaky, this betrayal by my body which had sailed through a remarkably unremarkable pregnancy up until a few weeks ago. Pride goeth before the fall I guess. Still, I know I could be much worse off in terms of weight, blood pressure, or other complications, so I still am thankful for the way the pregnancy�s gone and is going overall.

In the meantime, I�ve been told that I should get my files in order this week and that next week will be taken day-by-day. And truthfully, I�m totally fine with that. I�m closing down the section of my brain labeled �work� and giving more and more attention to the section labeled �HOLY S*&@, I�M ABOUT TO BECOME A PARENT.�

My former boss (himself a former Navy man) taught me a word for this state � FIGMO. It stands for F-it, I�ve Got My Orders and comes from the fact that in the Navy you get sent to a new post by way of receiving orders, and really, from the point you get those orders your mind has already left your current post and you�re concentrating on where you�re going. It�s a handy word to have at your disposal if you change jobs a lot, which I do.

So, this week, I have to buckle down and get all the loose ends tied up here � building (out of the heaps on my desk) and transferring the paper files, organizing and burning CDs of my electronic files, briefing the person who�s taking over my duties for me, deleting all extraneous stuff, setting my out-of-office messages for my phone and work email, etc. I�ve also got a couple of active files I�d like to see well established and maybe even put to bed before I go. Speaking of which, lunch is up and I�ve got to hop to it�

Before - After

All content � Shawna 2003-2010
That means no swiping my stuff - text, images, etc. - without asking.

P.S. If you're emailing me, replace the [at] with @ in the "to" line. Oh, and if you put the word "journal" in the subject line it'll have a better chance of making it past my junk mail filters.

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