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I'm siiinging in the raaaaiinn.

2005-11-08 - 2:24 p.m.

27 weeks down, 13 to go.

At J�s request, this week I made a list of people I�d want to have at a baby shower. I�m not sure what kind of shower to expect (other than the fact I want NO games and I want my guy friends to be invited as well, no matter what) so I gave him a list with a bunch of categories such as Family, Close Friends (who would be invited to the most intimate of gatherings), and Other Friends (who I�d love to see and would use the excuse of a shower to get them to come out, but who I might feel funny about obligating to bring a gift). I guess for the last category I�d let them know if there was an open-house, drop-in style of gathering, but that can always wait for the spring and a �welcome Grommet to the world� open house we�ll probably have in lieu of a christening (future post on my take on religion will be forthcoming something in the next couple of months). Oh yeah, and I also have a J�s Friends category of people he can decide if he�d want to have invited to a shower � I�m not particularly close to them but they�ve been friends with him for quite awhile and he may want to invite them to something, or they may even want to hold a separate small thing since they don�t tend to mix much outside their little circle. I�m not convinced that we should have a shower for Family and make cousins and aunts and uncles feel obligated to get us something either: if they want to get us something they will and if they don�t they won�t and that�s all there is to it.

Despite all these grand ideas and speculation, I still have trouble imagining a shower actually being pulled off. The friends I have that would coordinate such a thing don�t have ready access to space for it and the ones that have space I couldn�t see coordinating. I have always felt fortunate in the fantastic people I have as good friends, but they don�t really know each other very well: I tend to see them in pairs and small groups. This has always made it difficult to pull off group gatherings when I�m coordinating, and I�m the one that knows them all.

The other thing is that, since we�re due on the 7th of February, the timing might be difficult to pull off. A couple of my closest friends would have to drive quite a distance and they might have more of a chance to do that over the holidays� on the other hand, can they spare the time over the holidays, which are usually pretty busy? And pretty expensive, for that matter, so a gift-giving occasion in January when the bills are just coming in might pinch. Some of J�s friends are getting married on the 30th of December so that makes it even more complicated in terms of timing for anything that would involve that set of folks.

Well, I guess that�s up to my friends to decide for themselves and the timing is out of my hands since I�m not the one organizing anything. Despite the fact I�m finally getting a handle on this whole registry thing, I�ve also mentioned to a few people that I�m totally down with second-hand gifts, gifts of some time and a helping hand when I need it, or no gifts at all. As great and useful as I�m sure gifts picked out by thoughtful friends would be, what I�m really looking forward to about a shower is a chance to see people that I like spending time with, before I become a package deal and have to attend to the needs of a wee being at all moments of the day (at least until decent gaps between feedings when the Grom can be left with Dad for short periods of time).

Before - After

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