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Latest from the midwifery front.

2005-11-04 - 4:35 p.m.

Midwife appointment yesterday. You know what brings home the fact that you�re getting closer to the due date? Being told that it�s time to start going for appointments every two weeks instead of every month.

I was kinda surprised because I thought that they bumped up the frequency starting at 30 weeks, but there are apparently some standard tests they discuss with us at 28 weeks that we can have if we choose, and so since we were at 26 weeks this week, it�s every two weeks until we get reeeaaallly close, and then it�s every week.

I really like this second midwife who�s part of our 2-midwife tag-team. I hope she�s the one on call the week we end up going into labour. Unfortunately, we can�t get rid of the other without getting rid of this one so it�ll be a coin toss when the time actually comes as to whether we get our most favourite or least favourite midwife.

Hey, here�s something cool: I got a prescription for pregnancy massage for my back pain. This means I can be reimbursed by my benefits for 80% of massage therapy services, up to a maximum of $300 per calendar year. Woot!

Something else cool, they checked the height of my fundus (and doesn�t that sound vaguely dirty? It just means how high the top of my uterus is.) and it�s, like, way above my belly button now. I had an idea �cause I�d started to feel kicks, etc. higher up, but it�s still a little startling. It�s probably about 3 inches above my navel so it�s getting on up towards the bottom of my ribs. As I goggle downwards at this marker, I think to myself how all that space used to be occupied by me, so where, other than slightly outwards, am I going as this baby takes over my guts� real estate? That�s a freaky thought right there, I�ll tell you.

I don�t know if I�ve ever mentioned this here, but most physical things about me are very, very average. I�m average height. My shoe size is the most common for women�s shoes. My bra size is the most common. I wear the most common dress size. So it should come as no surprise to find out that the Grom is following almost exactly the average growth pattern for a fetus (as measured by the couple of ultrasounds we�ve had, the heartrates that have been recorded, and my fundus height). I�m hoping that means she�s on track for an average birth weight in the neighbourhood of seven pounds. Of course, the midwife was quick to point out that the size of the baby only plays a small role in how easy or fast a birth is. Nevertheless, I�ve known a lot of people that have had a lot of big babies lately, and I�m thinking between 7 and 8 pounds sounds just jimdandy to me. Of course, whether he�s a whopper of a baby or not, I�m still going to be stuck with the labour/delivery that comes, no matter what.

Before - After

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