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2005-04-18 - 11:01 a.m.

Continuting on from my train of thought in my last entry

The positive things I see in our results:

The source of the problem is not all me � Dr. Hubris believes I am ovulating, just not regularly or even necessarily on each cycle. Nor is the problem all J � his swimmers are there, they�re just bumbling around more than would be ideal � so there won�t be any opportunity to assign �blame� if emotions run high. I don�t think we�re the sort to resort to recriminations of that nature but things can get emotionally loaded when people are trying unsuccessfully to conceive. Treatment could be just a matter of getting me to ovulate for sure and more frequently. If that doesn�t work, there are still other tests that can be done, and we�d go from there.

The possible negative things I�m wary of:

Without a clear-cut problem there is no clear-cut solution and having kids is one area when time is really not on your side. The normal chances of conceiving on any given cycle when a couple is �trying� is 20%. I don�t know how much I reduce those chances on a percentage basis, or how much J does, but they�re definitely lower for us individually, which doesn�t give us a great shot when you combine those factors together. If I don�t ovulate on a cycle, obviously that�s a problem. If I do ovulate but J�s swimmers don�t get the job done, again, problem. So if it had turned out that it was all J, we�d know for sure what range of options we�d be looking at for a solution. The same goes for it all being me. Instead, say we do get me ovulating - it would be hard to abandon that course of treatment because, at the doctor said, �a man can have some bad sperm and can still get a woman pregnant.� But of course, his chances are lower. And there are only so many cycles I should be on Clomid for (one official-looking website recommends no more than six cycles total, or three where ovulation has been achieved but not pregnancy), even if it�s effective at getting me to ovulate.

Right now I agree with Dr. Hubris�s approach of �try this and if it works, great, if it doesn�t, we�ll do some more investigating. Then we�ll try something else maybe, depending on what those new tests tell us.� J and I have already agreed that, before we go in for the more detailed tests, we�ll do one or two cycles with the Clomid to see if it works at getting me to ovulate. If it does, but I don�t get pregnant, then we�ll definitely take a closer look at his swimmers. In the meantime, go 30%, go!

Before - After

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