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The umbrella does NOTHING!

2004-09-09 - 12:24 p.m.

It�s raining like a mofo out there today. I started the day at home with a rare good-hair day, only to arrive at work slightly bedraggled, despite my rain jacket, rain pants and umbrella. I was also late in that arrival as I took every detour necessary to stay sheltered along the way; I cut through buildings, hugged storefronts with awnings, and ducked into a couple of places to gather lunch stuff so that I wouldn�t have to venture out again until the end of the business day. I spent the walk alternately fighting to keep my umbrella right-side in, and to just keep my umbrella, period.

And speaking of periods, that�s a nice segue into some girl-related musings�

Obscure effect of the Pill* I discovered after I went on it: my hip joints were sore for a few months. As I understand it, the Pill tricks your body into thinking it�s already pregnant so it doesn�t ovulate. Apparently, one of the mild pregnancy-like symptoms it could trigger is a loosening of hip joints.

Obscure effect of the Pill* I discovered after I went off it: I have been shedding like crazy this last little while. I�m surprised I�m not bald, what with the matted hair in my brush and the loose strands that drift off my head and gleefully adhere to my clothing or carpet my floor. When I shampoo and condition, or apply gel, it my hands come away with a spider-like webbing stretched between my fingers. I was on the Pill for a long time, the last couple of years without ever going off it even for every fourth week so I wonder if I�m losing hair just like a new mom would after she is no longer pregnant.

Not-so-obscure effect of the Pill* I discovered/was reminded of after I went off it: For cripes sake, I�m a woman in my 30s � aren�t I a little old to be breaking out? Apparently not and I can only assume it was the Pill that stopped this from happening for the last 12 years. I didn�t even know I should have been grateful! Don�t it always seem to go, that you don�t know what you�ve got �til it�s gone� (cue Joni Mitchell).

*The pregnancy effects I can find back-up on, but that the Pill can trigger these effects is anecdotal - I have no actual source to cite so caveat lector.

Before - After

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