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Odds 'n ends before the weekend.

2004-02-20 - 11:38 a.m.

It feels like I�ve been terribly remiss because I didn�t write anything yesterday. Since I don�t generally post on the weekend, I try to leave something interesting up on Friday but that ain�t gonna happen this week; I�ve got a collection of things to update on and no grand themes in mind. So, here�s some loose ends I�m tying up before the weekend:


I kept going in mental circles about what to do about replacing my Columbia jacket. I didn�t want to be greedy but at the same time I was sooo tempted by the thought of being one of the first people to get the new line for next year. I am not what you call an early-adopter, preferring other people to be the guinea pigs and pay full price (conversely though, I am Everyman embodied, in the sense that almost anything I immediately like seems to appeal to a lot of people and becomes popular, even if it wasn�t yet when I decided I liked it). Within the limits of what they were willing to offer as a replacement, I could pick from the whole range of colours and styles available! I could appear trendy and still adhere to my basically practical nature! But then� I�d risk the fact that the new colours for women�s jackets could well be all pinks and lavenders next year. And it seemed a tad greedy when the option available immediately was a perfectly serviceable, nay, even superior jacket of unobjectionable colour. The clincher was the fact that I�m supposed to be going hiking in the Sierra�s with my Dad this spring and I�ll need a jacket then. I called them up and should have my cozy new jacket by this time next week. (The funny part of this is that, even after I first realized I�d need the jacket this June, over the following few days I kept thinking about the temptation of waiting for the new line. Then I�d mentally slap my forehead with a "Fool! You need it before August!")


Finalists for the Diarist Awards have been posted so if you have a journal go and vote. If you don�t have a journal, this may still a chance to discover some fabulous new writing you don�t already know about.


Saving the best for last, my hubby is coming home tonight! He�s been away since Tuesday on training for his new business (and will be gone again next week � stalkers take note, I have two large, pointy-fanged dogs. And a burglar alarm. And can be downright vicious if necessary. Really.) and it hasn�t been the same without him around. This is the longest that we�ve been apart since we got married in August, (I can hear the aws from here) and there has been much missing going on this week. Welcome home sweetheart.

Before - After

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